Wednesday, March 13, 2019


COMMON NAME: Tyrannosaurus Rex
SCIENTIFIC NAME: Tyrannosaurus rex
TYPE: Prehistoric Animals
DIET: Carnivore
SIZE: 40 feet long; 15 to 20 feet tall

Tyrannosaurus Rex also know as "T-Rex". Its name also comes from Greek and Latin words meaning "Tyrant Lizard King", they are one of the biggest meat eaters. This creature grows up to 1.2m long and 6m tall. They are carnivores so they eat the flesh of their prey. Their method of hunting or eating is by ambush, they usually sneak around their prey and surprise them, their flexible neck helped them adjust the angles of their attack. They lived for 65 t0 70 million years ago.

The largest and most complete T-rex skeleton that was ever found was named Sue, it's named after the discoverer, Paleontologist Sue Hendrickson. They were seen in the parts of Southeast Asia, Canada, Mongolia, Texas, Utah, Montana, and parts of North America.

Fun facts about this creature is that they have 60 razor sharp teeth and estimates says that is about 9 inches long. They used their tail to maintain their balance and they practically weighed more than an Asian elephant. It's top speed was recorded to be about maximum of 18 miles per hour, faster than humans.

It is believe that T-rex are the most aggressive and fearsome dinosaurs to walk the planet. It's bite force has a minimum of at least 12,000 pounds and could eat over 500 pounds of meat just in one bite. It's tiny arms served some purpose in their life, some theories says that they lift their self up after they were knocked down in a battle and other states that these animals used their arms to tightly grab their prey so they can bite them easily. With one bite, they can break their prey's bones easily, their heavy bones and sharp teeth helps it make  it happen.

T-rex's hunting behavior theory had other says that most of the time they take a one huge bite of their victim and leave them to bleed to death and just to return back so that they could eat it easily. Others have mentioned that they also strike towards their victim and bite and eat them as soon as they get the opportunity. Their big brains help them  to think of a way to ambush their prey. It's hunting skills were marked excellent.

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